Travel Visa Checker

Planning your trip from Lebanon to Belarus? Our easy-to-use tool will help you determine the visa requirements based on your nationality and travel destination.

Lebanese RepublicRepublic of Belarus

Visa required
ISO2 ISO3 Visa notes Short country description
BY BLR Visa not required for a maximum stay of 10 days at Brest (BQT), Augustów Canal, or Grodno (GNA) provided holding a confirmation issued by a travel agency.[31][32][33][34] Visa not required for a maximum stay of 5 days for valid visa holders or residents of the European Union member states. Must arrive via Minsk International Airport.[35] Visa not required for passengers visiting to Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park for up to 3 days.[36] Visa on arrival at the Minsk International Airport if the support documents were submitted to the Consular Division at Minsk (not later than 3 (for short-term visas) or 5 working days (for long-term visas) the expected date of arrival.[37] Visa on arrival at the Minsk International Airport for holders of an invitation letter issued by a Belarusian tourist company or a medical or health organization. The letter must be written on official headed paper with the passenger's name, passport details, purpose, and duration of stay. The letter must also have the original signature and official seal of the head of the inviting organization.[citation needed] Passengers are required to have a health insurance which can be purchased on arrival at the Minsk International Airport.[citation needed] Transiting without a visa is not allowed under any circumstance.[citation needed] Registration with the local police within 7 days of arrival is mandatory.[citation needed] Republic of Belarus : Known for its pristine landscapes and rich folklore, with a strong Soviet influence in its architecture.
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